How to get Cheap and Affordable Divorce in Nepal?
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How to get Cheap and Affordable Divorce in Nepal?
Cheap and affordable divorce? Yes, it is possible! A quick, easy, and smooth, cheap, and affordable divorce is a reality today. In addition, it is possible that it will be approved on the same day depending on the situation, saving time, and avoiding emotional exhaustion between spouses. In this post, we will clarify your doubts about the cost of divorce, the time of the process, and how to get a cheap and affordable divorce in Nepal. Here are a few tips to make your divorce journey smooth, convenient and cheap without wasting a ton of money: –
- Hire a suitable divorce lawyer
Most of us hold this belief that if we hire a fancy lawyer from a big firm who charges an insane amount of money, we will get the desired outcome. But when you are tight on the monetary front and searching for a cheap and affordable divorce lawyer, hiring a fancy and famous lawyer might just put you out on the streets. In order to make your divorce smooth and easy at an affordable price, please contact us at divorcenepal.com. We have been specialising in getting cheap and affordable divorces in Nepal for more than 30 years. Our team consists of highly skilled and enthusiastic lawyers who can assist you in getting a quick and painless divorce in Nepal.
In order to get a cheap and affordable divorce, you need to go through the proper channels and be frank and open about your issues with your lawyer. If you have any concerns and confusion, don’t be hesitate to contact us at divorcenepal.com. Based on individual cases, we can find a way to lower the cost for you. So always, be open and frank about your issues with your divorce lawyer.
- Attend your date given to you by the court
Once you file for divorce, the court will notify your partner and he/she has to be present in the court on the given date. The court will then address your case and review and evaluate the that have been presented in the court. The date that is given by the court to be present is called Tarikh in Nepali. If you want the divorce to proceed, then make sure that you yourself are present in the court. Don’t hire another person to represent you in the court else you have to pay extra money.
- Every Hearing doesn’t require your lawyer’s presence
If you are getting divorced by mutual consent, divorce will be finalized within 2 days. But if one party does not give consent, then the proceedings take longer. Every hearing or (peshi in Nepali) won’t require a lawyer to be present in the court for agreement. In case of mutual consent divorce, the case can be finalized within 2 days. But if one of the parties doesn’t agree on the divorce, then it may take more than a year for the final settlement. The court also sends both the parties to the Mediation chamber where it is tried to reconcile both husband and wife. Therefore, a lawyer need not be presented in every hearing in court. Even if the lawyer is not present in the court, the court proceedings won’t stop. If the evidences are needed to be presented in the court, you yourself can present the evidence. In order to have a cheap and affordable divorce, it is best that you take a lawyer only at the final hearing in the court. Taking a lawyer for your every hearing will be quite expensive. It is also better that you seek divorce with the mutual consent of both husband and wife.
- Claim your properties
Court proceedings might take a longer period when one of the spouses doesn’t give the consent for divorce. In such a case, you need to file for divorce also claiming for the property. According to Nepal’s civil code, a woman is eligible to claim on her husband’s property. Filing for divorce along with claim on property, after the final judgment, you will be able to get your share on the property. This will also help you to obtain a cheap and affordable divorce.
- Decide about the lawyer’s fee beforehand
Sometimes even lawyers can take advantage of your difficult circumstance. Single and poor people might fall victim to this type of situation. Lawyers are not allowed to do this but it happens from time to time. Please be aware of these kinds of offers and hire only a trustworthy divorce lawyer. We, at divorcenepal.com, don’t charge our clients excessively. We guide and assist our clients to attain the cheap and affordable divorce as much as possible. Our rates are minimal but our service is excellent. And we don’t charge time and again.
- Don’t fall for faulty schemes
Divorcenepal.com is made so that you get proper legal representation during a time of crisis. Some lawyers might promise you to help you get a cheap and affordable divorce. However, they may charge you more by asking you to pay every other individual you encounter during the proceedings. If you find yourself in a similar situation, you can file a case against them in court. We live in an open society now. We, at divorcenepal.com, provide you with premier service at an affordable price.
- Be aware of Middle Men
There are lots of middlemen trying to scheme you into paying them for doing simple tasks around the court. They promise to settle your case very fast and charge you unnecessarily. Please don’t fall for their tricks and waste your money. Contact us at divorcenepal.com and give us a chance to serve you. We will provide a divorce service at a cheap and affordable price. Let’s cut out the middlemen together and get you the outcome you desire.
We at Divorce Nepal always in the objective to reconcile both husband and wife and save their marriage. But whenever another way is exhausted, we also believe that it’s better for both husband and wife to part their ways and give their life a second chance. However, the divorce proceedings should not be painful and long. Therefore, we focus on giving you the cheap and affordable divorce at a minimum time so you don’t have to go through all those complicated legal proceedings.