Ten preventive measures for divorce
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Ten preventive measures for divorce
Marriage is a strong bond between two people. It is the bond of not only bodies but also of the soul. It is the bond between two families. Therefore, we should not make divorce to be the only option in our married life. We should prevent divorce as much as possible. Before we decide to take a divorce, we should think not twice but thrice. We should think about why we have married that person in the first place. We should think of all the love and the time that we have spent together. If you still love each other but taking a divorce just because of some disputes and misunderstanding, it would be foolish to think about divorce. Therefore, divorcenepal.com(Divorce Nepal) would like to suggest the following ten ways to prevent a divorce:
Table of contents
- 1. Don’t ever think of divorce
- 2. Respect each other
- 3. Communicate with each other
- 4. Do the Household expenses together
- 5. Give your time to your family
- 6. Forgive immediately
- 7. Don’t try to control each other
- 8. Get timely consultation from an expert
- 9. Be physically and mentally ready to prevent divorce
- 10. Be accountable and answerable to each other
- Conclusion
1. Don’t ever think of divorce
In this changing society, personal space and freedom have become our necessity. When two people get married and decide to spend the rest of their life with each other, then we have to make some adjustments. Those adjustments can make the husband and wife feel that they have lost the freedom and start fighting over small matters. This can cause the couple to think that divorce can be the only option to make life better. Such thinking should be removed from the mind. We need to think about what is best for family relationships. divorce is not the last resort in itself.
2. Respect each other
In a relationship, one should always treat the other with respect. The husband always wants to see his wife treat him with respect. Likewise, a wife wants to feel that her husband has always cared for her. Therefore, both husband and wife should respect each other. At stressful times, instead of thinking about the negative qualities of your partner, start thinking about the positive qualities of your partner. When you think about your partner’s loving gestures and his affection, your anger and your negative thoughts will change into positive thoughts. Therefore, you will begin to love your partner even more.
3. Communicate with each other
The world has stepped its foot in the digitization world. The global world has become narrower because of the internet. Nepalese society has also become part of the same digitalized world. Most people no matter where you live spend most of their time with their smartphones or TV. Because of which, husband and wife have forgotten to spend time with each other. But what we forget is human beings have always been the social creature. Human beings forward their life through love, hate, anger, and emotions like these. Therefore, husband and wife should communicate with each other about their life, their future plans, their struggle, their work so the lost intimacy and happiness is established once again. The husband and wife at least communicate with each other for 30 minutes or so. This small gesture will create a healthy and cheerful environment in your home.
4. Do the Household expenses together
Household expenses play a big role in married life. Most couples end up having disagreements over household expenses. Sometimes the small matter can take a form of the big issue that can be the source for divorce. The husband and wife should get in the habit of spending according to their income. Most women like to imitate the lifestyle of other people and end up spending more than the income of her husband. Thus, when the husband’s financial condition is weak, and the wife still makes unnecessary demands, then the relationship starts deteriorating.
5. Give your time to your family
Often the rate of divorce occurs in those couples where one or both spouses are busier in their work. Such that they cant give each other enough time. Whereas, both husband and wife should give each other enough time to maintain marital balance. For example, during pregnancy, the wife wants her husband to take special care of her. When the husband fails to give her enough time, care, and affection, this can cause stress to the wife. And can make the wife think for divorcing her husband. In most cases, the idea of divorce comes when the husband does not give enough time to the family.
6. Forgive immediately
Not everything happens in your life as you think. Sometimes, people make mistakes by accident. We can make a mistake in our job, we can make a mistake when taking a certain decision. It is the nature of humans to learn from their mistakes. Similarly, the husband and wife can make mistakes in their married life well. So you have to learn to forgive those mistakes immediately. You have to control our anger, talk about his mistakes, learn about the cause of the mistake in a calm state. Neither the husband nor the wife should hold a grudge forever for the silly mistake and keep fighting with each other. This will make your marital relation cold and dark. Research on divorce has shown that it is the habit of keeping a grudge in mind that increases the risk of divorce.
7. Don’t try to control each other
Controlling each other in family life creates a negative environment in your home and family life. The mutual control between husband and wife deprives them of their freedom. At the same time, controlling nature can destroy other’s new thinking, creativity, and vitality to progress in life. So it is best not to try to control your spouse.
8. Get timely consultation from an expert
A family is an important unit of society. When a family breaks up, the society and the nation also suffer indirectly. divorce is a challenging decision in life. This has a huge impact not only in your life but also on your child’s life. Therefore, it is advisable to consult with expert legal practitioners before such a situation arises.
9. Be physically and mentally ready to prevent divorce
Divorce usually has a negative effect on life. If there is a disagreement between husband and wife, they should be physically and mentally ready to give up their job and other work to strengthen their relationship. They should always give first priority to their relationship. The husband and wife should both sit together, evaluate, and discuss their weaknesses and strength. Doing so in time will prevent a divorce.
10. Be accountable and answerable to each other
Accountability is very important in married life. The husband and wife are both answerable to each other for their mistakes, their conducts, and their quarrel. Therefore, when there are misunderstandings and disputes between husband and wife, they should clearly and freely talk with each other. If one makes the mistake, he or she should answer clearly to the other partner why that mistake happened. You should not be ashamed to take accountability for your actions.
Divorce is just the ending of your relationship on legal terms. But divorce doesn’t end your love for each other. Divorce cant end your emotion and responsibility toward each other and your family. The team of divorce Nepal therefore always in the side of reconciliation. Therefore, whenever a couple approaches us, we make every effort to reconcile their relationship back to normal and prevent divorce.